让我看一下35轮之后的排名排名。 1-4是狮子,广东,郑安格和新疆。它们分为第一级。 5-8是山东,Jilin,和,分为第二层。 9-11是深圳,贝琴,四川,它们分为第三层。 12-15是北京,上海,广州和。它们分为第四级。 16-19是江苏,天津,汤希和福建。他们分为第五级。
在前35轮比赛之后,借着30场胜利和3次失利的记录。这也是联盟前35轮中唯一获得30场胜利的球队。 The team this is , and now it on they can . The team is also under . , they the place.江安格队输了之后,新疆队可以看到他们是否可以抓住机会赶到第三名。毕竟,千江团队最近有问题。 The team needs to wait for Zhou Qi to . this , you need to lose less.
在第二级球队中cba球队是如何排名打季后赛的?,山东和吉林是领导者。 They are , at most the fifth and sixth . , the team has a .这是他们连胜的底部cba球队是如何排名打季后赛的?,现在它已经稳定了这种情况。广沙也回到了正确的轨道,但他们最多保持在这个位置。如果他们急忙向前,他们不太可能。这个季节,他们也有很多生活。
The third -level team was more sad. They got the 18th but could only be in this , the rate was low. the , they are one of the few teams who have 35 games. , can keep this , it doesn't . Even in the near , it is a bit , and you need to pay to this. is the same. They are going to fight this .
The -level team is quite . At , the top 12 is the team. The team's state is very good, and it has also 3 , the of the team. What is more happy is that the 12th of the team is . As long as there is no , they can keep this . The team has not been over after the 3 -game .接下来,他们必须反对贝卡()和骗子。两支球队都不好。 The team can take of the . In , the team in the 2nd, and the team was by 5 . They were going to leave.
第五级球队基本上告别了季后赛,现在只有理论上的可能性。 The team is very this .大部分时间都花在损失上,李南在第一个赛季的教练是失败的。 是一样的cba球队是如何排名打季后赛的?,他们正在尽力而为。至于福建团队,他们确实没有计划,否则他们将没有底部的底部。阵容需要在休赛期进行调整。